This article is more than 17 years old

The really top UK universities?

Is this really that shocking? Not quite controversial (but entertaining as always) article by Peter Knight in the Guardian. Basically, he argues that some universities are genuinely better than others. Difficult to disagree, especially when his nominations include Oxford and Cambridge. But the really interesting point here is that part of his argument in selecting … Continued
This article is more than 17 years old

Is this really that shocking?

Not quite controversial (but entertaining as always) article by Peter Knight in the Guardian.

Basically, he argues that some universities are genuinely better than others. Difficult to disagree, especially when his nominations include Oxford and Cambridge. But the really interesting point here is that part of his argument in selecting the other “top” institutions is that they are charging higher fees (where they can) than everyone else and this demonstrates their market pre-eminence.

So, we just need to put up fees as high as the market will bear and this will show how good we really are!

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