As we end yet another week of lockdown and sources of distraction are hard to come by it seemed about time to offer another Wonkhe quiz.
This one is very much testing your knowledge of higher education policy through the ages. Only the biggest reviews have memorable names and some of them are not necessarily that easy to recall. So how well do you know your higher ed reviews? Let’s see. Note that most are HE reviews but some are broader education reviews.
Each correct answer scores just one point – some are easier than others.
As usual, no Googling please. You’re only cheating yourself, etc etc
Part 1
This is the easy intro section. Name and year – all you need to do is recall the name by which the report is commonly known and the year it was published:
1. Report of the Committee on University Teaching Methods
2. the Report of the Steering Committee for Efficiency Studies in Universities
3. Report of the Committee on Higher Education
4. Report of the Machinery of Government Committee
5. Independent review of higher education pay and conditions
6. Securing a Sustainable Future for Higher Education
7. The Management of Higher Education in the Maintained Sector
8. Higher Education in the learning society

Part 2
Now it gets a bit harder.
Can you match the report, the name by which it is best known and the year of publication?
1. Grants to Students
2. Report of a Committee appointed by the Lord President of the Council entitled ‘Scientific Manpower’
3. Report of the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education entitled ’The Education of the Adolescent’
4. Report of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education
5. Report of the Special Committee on Higher Technological Education
The Barlow Report
The Hadow Report
The Percy Report
The Bryce Report
The Anderson Report
1895, 1926, 1945, 1946, 1960
Part 3
Guess the year – you can be within 5 years either side.
1. Report of the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction – The Samuelson Report
2. Report of the Departmental Committee on Intermediate and Higher Education in Wales – The Aberdare Report
3. Report of the Royal Commissions on the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge
4. Report of the Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science – The Devonshire Report
5. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State of Popular Education in England – The Newcastle Report
You can find all the answers here. No peeking.
Do post your scores below or on Twitter #WonkheQuiz
15+ Outstanding HE review knowledge. First class wonkery
10-14 Pretty impressive. Your wonk apprenticeship is assured
5-9 You really do need to review your reviews
< 5 You really aren’t cut out for this, are you?
If you are still remotely interested in higher education reviews and reports then check out this essential all time top 10 ranking of HE reviews or, more informatively, DK’s excellent and extensive review of reviews through the ages.