Podcast: Blueprint, fees increase, Brussels

This week on the podcast Universities UK’s much anticipated “blueprint for change” is out - is a new 70 per cent participation target the right one?

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

This week on the podcast Universities UK’s much anticipated “blueprint for change” is out – is a new 70 per cent participation target the right one?

Plus The Times reports that fees might be going up, Hidden History recalls university leaders trying to get the attention of government, and Keir Starmer has been in Brussels – will he give way on fees and youth mobility?

With Rose Stephenson, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the Higher Education Policy Institute, Andy Youell, HE data and systems specialist, Livia Scott, Partnerships Coordinator at Wonkhe, Mike Ratcliffe, Academic Registrar at City St George’s University of London and presented by Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor at Wonkhe.

A bluffer’s guide to the Universities UK blueprint for HE policy under Labour

A blueprint for change needs students at its centre

Universities UK has a plan to fix research funding

Fees of £10,500 would be a return to the policies of 2017

The poverty gap between students and the universities they attend is getting wider

Students have unrealistic expectations of the financial support universities can offer them

Starmer vows to turn page on UK’s relationship with the EU


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