Filling their boots? The rationale for growing loss-making home student numbers

Why would a higher education institution seek to grow home student numbers when technically it makes a loss on each student? Debbie McVitty runs the numbers

The release of provider-level end of cycle data for the 2024 cycle confirms what has been long known informally; this year a group of “higher-tariff” providers went for growth, in some cases by reducing their entry tariff significantly. You can see DK’s crunching of the provider data here.

Typically, behaviour like this leads to grumbling elsewhere in the sector. That’s partly because there’s a direct impact on other institutions’ bottom line when the big players flex in this way, meaning that those who lose out may need to suspend planned investment and/or embark on portfolio rationalisation, rounds of voluntary redundancy, and other cost-reduction measures to stay afloat.

But it’s also because there’s a perception that the selective institutions are pulling in students that mid or lower tariff institutions consider themselves to be best equipped to support and nurture. This (arguably) creates additional risk for the students who find themselves studying at an institution that culturally may assume a greater degree of academic self-efficacy than they actually have.

The debate rumbles on as to whether it’s reasonable to “permit” popular institutions to grow at the expense of others. But much less attention is generally given to the question of why any successful provider with significant overheads would seek to grow home student recruitment at all. In 2022 the Russell Group warned that the average deficit incurred by English universities per home student per year was £1,750 per student per year, and that a “conservative estimate” would see that deficit increasing to £4000 by the current academic year.

Assuming you’re not an economist or a strategy consultant (if you are, do write in), you might legitimately be scratching your head about the strategic intent behind increasing sales of a product you don’t make any money on – indeed, that you have to subsidise from other sources. Higher education institutions don’t have to make money of course – the goal is generally to realise a small surplus across the breadth of activities, recognising that some degree of cross-subsidy, primarily from international student income, is part of the business model. But even with that caveat, growth of a loss-making activity in times of financial pressure remains, on the face of it, a peculiar approach.

What’s going on?

There are three strategic rationales for this that I can think of. It might be that hitherto high tariff institutions are growing for public interest reasons – to meet their access and participation targets, or because they are offering new courses of value to their regions or that will attract a wider range of international students or even support a particular research ambition.

It might be that they are growing in the subject areas that are cheaper to teach in hopes of making inroads into that average deficit and reducing the level of cross-subsidy from other sources. Over on DK’s end of cycle data visualisations you can take a look at the general subject areas where particular institutions have seen growth. DK would no doubt be the first to tell you that HECoS subject grouping isn’t quite as nuanced as you’d need to be able to make that case plausibly, though there’s probably a bit of it going on. This was a concern the Augar review flagged back in 2019 – that the fixed unit of resource, all other things being equal, tends to incentivise growth in subject areas that have higher margins and for which there is stable or growing demand, rather than trying to generate additional demand for more expensive and less popular subjects.

It is possible there might be changes to teaching and/or student support provision that have generated sufficient efficiencies to get to a break-even or modest surplus situation on home students that would make overall growth a sensible business strategy. This is the current focus of a lot of sector thinking on efficiency – if the unit of resource isn’t increasing fast enough, but student (and regulatory) expectations aren’t reducing, then the sector has to figure out ways to make its provision sustainable, through technology adoption, more sharing and collaboration among institutions, reducing costs in areas where the institution believes there is minimal impact on student experience, and so on.

While there is a lot of interesting thinking going on around efficiency, it’s doubtful that this number of institutions has made such significant progress as to get to the point of wiping out the home student deficit in its totality, though there may be some efficiencies to be gained through economies of scale.

There are also several less overtly strategic options. One is that the institutions in question don’t have that strong a central grip on their admissions. It’s easy to imagine in a devolved academic system individual departments and faculties pursuing growth to increase their own overall income without a great deal of attention being given to the aggregate effect on the institution as a whole.

The final possibility – and in all honesty I think this is probably at least a somewhat accurate assessment – is that the calculation is that growth, even cross-subsidised growth, will demonstrate market strength, which will satisfy boards of governors, reassure lenders, and keep the university in good fettle with the bond markets. Which raises the question about what happens next year and the year after that. Growth, even for the most popular institutions can’t be an indefinite strategy. And what happens to the rest?

For the big players, growth can generally be deployed as a tactical response to immediate financial pressure, while structural or operational change can be deferred to future times, when there’s more bandwidth and appetite for change, or clarity about the policy environment. Other institutions don’t in most cases have that luxury and some are likely to be less stable as a result.

The policy response

So how should government respond? It’s very hard to make the case that students should be forced – or at least obliged – to attend an institution that isn’t their first choice simply to ensure that that institution remains generally healthy and sustainable. We should also on principle give those selective institutions the benefit of the doubt on their strategic preparedness for a different intake this year. Growth in the hundreds in an institution of thousands, if fairly evenly spread, needn’t be an issue if there is a plan in place to support those students and notice if any are struggling.

It’s still worth saying, though, that if you’re looking through the lens of student interest, the market principle that student choice is the most important thing only holds true if the basis on which prospective students are making choices has a meaningful relationship with their prospect of flourishing at their chosen institution. So it remains a bit of a worry that if there are issues we’ll only know about it when the outcome data surfaces in the coming years – too late to do anything about it.

Some in the sector wish there was a way of putting restraints on the market without resorting to institutional student number controls. There are options short of total control that might focus on restraining or encouraging recruitment in particular subject areas, or asking institutions to evidence the case for growth, and/or subjecting them to more stringent oversight when growth exceeds a certain margin. It would also be theoretically possible, though very complicated, to set quality thresholds around inputs ie set conditions around the available resources in the learning environment all students should be able to expect.

But it’s also worth government giving consideration to the idea that in market terms all of this only is an issue because the perception is that the size of the market is pretty fixed and institutions are by and large vying for a larger slice of the pie rather than trying to grow the pie. UCAS data tends to support that view as applications via UCAS have seen growth at a lower rate than the sector hoped given the demographic growth in 18-19 year olds in the wider population.

Published UCAS data does not, however, capture applications made direct to institutions or, indeed, PG-level applications, and there may be growth or potential for growth in other parts of the market. Market purists would argue that if a provider is not seeing success in its traditional market then the smart move is to tap into a different market. While this might be accurate in strategic terms, this analysis tends to gloss over the risks and complexities involved in making such a pivot, especially when the provider in question is already feeling financially squeezed.

Even if your market share is eroding, trying to win it back can be perceived as a path of less resistance and more immediate potential reward than entirely retooling the whole offer – even if thinking this way is also a highly risky strategy if things continue as they are and the rewards fail to materialise, as some institutions have discovered to their cost.

If government wants a policy win on two key fronts: widening access to selective institutions and broadening the pool of people who benefit from HE in general, it could do worse than to create a programme of support explicitly targeted at those institutions who are less powerful in the “traditional” market but that still have a great deal to offer their localities, and work with them to develop the offer to prospective students where there is latent growth potential – pooling risk and transition costs, with a payoff ultimately realised in skills and economic growth.

14 responses to “Filling their boots? The rationale for growing loss-making home student numbers

  1. Each extra home student brings tuition fee income above £9,000 and indirect income from on-campus spending while the marginal costs in many subjects are considerably less than this. The DfE research on HE costs (Understanding Costs) carried out by KPMG is now seven years old but reported than direct staff costs averaged 24 to 28% of income across the 40’imstitutions participating while student related costs (including libraries, admissions, outreach etc) were in the 47% to 57%. Even with the sizeable cost increases since 2018, there will be plenty of subject areas and institutioms where marginal income of extra students covers marginal costs

    1. The marginal cost of an extra student in many cases is actually zero. You just put one more student in the lecture room and have the lecturer mark one more exam.

      You run into trouble when the lecture room is full and no larger lecture room is available. My university therefore now demands that each department makes some of its lectures online only. Lecture room capacity problem solved at (almost) no extra cost.

      Lack of campus study space can be solved (and is solved by my university) by turning staff space into student space and “encouraging” staff to work from home.

      Of course in the long run, this fundamentally undermines the concept of a campus university and the university as a community. But in the long run university managers will have moved on so this will not be their problem.

    2. Yes absolutely. To put it another way, if its clear that you are not going to make your international targets, at a point in the year where you can’t really do anything to reduce even your theoretically varaible costs of teaching, and you may have voids in halls, a bigger deficit on catering etc, in the short term the sensible thing to do is to take more home students even though those students do not cover their full economic cost. If in the longer term you think the reduction in international recruitment is long term, you might look at planned cost reductions as well as trying to increase market share within the declining market, but in the short run its always going to make sense to make up the recruitment shortfall

  2. Growing income is always easier than taking out expenditure. Witness events the past week in Cardiff…

    Revenue, revenue, revenue is the underlying logic of all higher education, as eloquently put by Howard Bowen, former President of the University of Iowa:

    “The dominant goals of institutions are educational excellence, prestige, and influence.
    There is virtually no limit to the amount of money an institution could spend for seemingly fruitful educational ends.
    Each institution raises all the money it can.
    Each institution spends all it raises.
    The cumulative effect of the preceding four laws is toward ever increasing expenditure.”

  3. You mention that PG applications aren’t captured in UCAS data; another reason for institutions increasing their UG intake may well be because PG intake has not reached the levels aspired to, and some income is better than none given the costs that have been committed to for the following year. This results in an intake that is around the same size overall, though UCAS data will show growth, and overall student numbers will grow as the UGs stay around for multiple years.

  4. As others have said in the short run marginal revenue nearly always exceeds marginal costs for all home UG students, although some disciplines will be constrained by space, lab and SSR accreditation constraints.

    But another reason is that the received wisdom of loss- making home teaching is based on the full economic cost methodology. If you exclude the economic cost adjustments then in normal accounting/ budgeting terms such students are likely to still be profitable. Most businesses I know of use conventional accounting practises to calculate their costs. Only HE do we add in a manufactured figure called economic cost.

    So its likely pretty much everyone is making money by increasing home student numbers, even if in the long-run it is undermining financial sustainability by under funding the capital base required to renew and develop facilities that support teaching.

    1. Thank you for saying this. I often feel the loss-making figures trotted out by HE are misleading. As you point out the ‘loss’ made on home students doesn’t include the money universities make from accommodation, catering etc, especially for first years. Similarly, the FEC system for UKRI grants inflates the cost of research by adding loads of opaque institutional aheads, and then universities say grants don’t cover the ‘full’ cost of research as only funded at 80%.

  5. There still seems to be a poor relationship between the attractiveness of some courses and institutions based on a name or perceived prestige/reputation and data collected (NSS) and disemnated in the name of creating the HE market. Institutions and courses that do well in the data, do support students who may not flourish in some environments, but do not have a recognised “brand” amongst the general public lose out and struggle to recruit depsite their strengths. This is in part summed up here:

    “If you’re looking through the lens of student interest, the market principle that student choice is the most important thing only holds true if the basis on which prospective students are making choices has a meaningful relationship with their prospect of flourishing at their chosen institution”.

    The HE market isn’t working. And this makes matters of finance much harder in some parts of sector.

  6. In my experience the answer to this behaviour is about reduced overseas demand, or at least the expectation of reduced overseas demand, which did not materialise in all instances (but that can’t be known until after the offers have gone out).

    If you have been teaching a programme with 100 overseas students and 100 home students, but expect to be able to recruit only 80 overseas students next year, it is better to aim to recruit 120 Home and 80 overseas, because in most cases costs are fixed, and it represents more income overall.

    If you were aiming for a maximum surplus, you would recruit your 100 Home and 80 overseas students, and cut costs associated with delivery of the course proportionate with the drop in headcount. However, that’s 1. Usually not possible 2. If possible, typically not desirable 3. If desired by the university “centre”, not necessarily desired by the academic unit delivering the programme.

  7. This one of the most interesting articles I’ve read on WONKHE in a long, long time.

    Two things I thought of (I’m in a non-aligned HEI). [i] Perhaps Russell group univs are putting more resource into supporting the WP students and [ii] Re “if you’re looking through the lens of student interest, the market principle that student choice is the most important thing only holds true if the basis on which prospective students are making choices has a meaningful relationship with their prospect of flourishing at their chosen institution”. Prospective WP students may not be aware that they may not flourish as well at a Russell group type university…so don’t make a rational choice?

  8. I may be slightly more cynical than some others, but are some institutions gambling on student number controls coming in (linked to a different fee structure for home students)? Much easier to justify higher numbers when you already have the students.

  9. we know the reason why Russell Group Unis have expanded their 18 year old intakes in 2024 – to offset international losses and pre-date any possible future controls.

    The negative impact on the rest of the sector is massive, and is not in the best interests of students – less space, less accommodation, less access to academic and support staff. Being taught at AAB/ABB level with CCC grades or treading water on a foundation year. Meanwhile less successful Unis in the “market” have smaller class sizes, more access to student support and may actually offer a better experience to trump the Russell Group “Brand”. The issue is that this will not become clear for 1-4 years as the students go through, or not. Look at Cardiff in the THE today:

    “Cardiff has rejected the idea of expanding undergraduate recruitment as a way out of its troubles, after several years of seeking to maximise enrolments by “softening” its entry requirements.
    “The financial benefit of greater volumes of [undergraduate home] fee payers, once indicative overheads are taken into account, is now negligible,” Cardiff’s Academic Futures Consultation Document says.
    “Even with the recent increase to fees [to £9,535], our modelling of ‘holding tariff’ v ‘maxing volume’ scenarios found that there is no longer financial benefit to taking more of this category of student. Put simply, higher volumes necessitate greater on-costs.”

  10. and to be clear – we are talking about around 1,000 extra school/college school leavers EACH across the Russell Group and a few others (more than when they were forced to take extras in 2021 due to Teacher Assessed Grades) – more in some cases – 20% increase is common. As a parent and HE staff member I know this cannot be good for student experience in such a pivotal 1st year, and they only get 4 years of SLC support -so are partly stymied if they want to transfer to a better fit.

  11. For my own department at least, I can confirm that the main rationale for taking more home students is the difference between average and marginal cost of teaching. The average cost of teaching a student is indeed more than the home tuition fee, but the marginal cost of taking an extra student onto an existing programme (at least until we hit hard capacity limits that require double-teaching of modules) is well below the tuition fee. So even though we lose money on home students overall, each additional one we take reduces the size of the loss.

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