This article is more than 1 year old

Policy forums and groups: Dates for the diary

This article is more than 1 year old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

In the year ahead we’ll be convening some national policy groups to think through some of the thorniest issues in student experience and HE – and we’d love you to get involved.


The sessions themselves will be round-table in style, two hours long and run three times a year. They will be a chance to share findings and hear from other SUs about challenges and projects and an opportunity to feed into the development of policy proposals.

Sign up here

Monday 30th October:

Tuesday 31st October:

Wednesday 1st November:

Thursday 2nd November

We’ll also be running networking and practice-sharing catch ups on Friday 3rd as follows:

Staff and officers are welcome – email us if you have any questions or have a suggestion for an additional area where progress in policy is needed.

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