Monika Nangia

Academic Registrar and Director of Student and Academic Services at Durham University


With over 25 years of experience in higher education management, Monika Nangia is a seasoned and trusted senior leader with an ability to drive transformative change through clear direction and strategic leadership. She is Academic Registrar and Director of Student and Academic Services at Durham University, having worked at several Russell Group and Post-92 universities in the UK. Monika has also earned recognition for her innovative work in enhancing the student academic experience at universities. Her expertise extends from student recruitment and access to ensuring student success and outcomes.

Monika is a member of the Board of Governors at the University College of Osteopathy and has extensive experience of working at the Board level. Monika is a passionate advocate for the advancement of women in leadership roles within higher education and actively champions the need for greater representation of individuals from minoritised ethnic communities in leadership positions. Her track record includes volunteering to support the community, nurturing young minds, assisting vulnerable individuals in society, and mentoring women in leadership roles to help them make informed career choices.