This article is more than 7 years old

Louis Coiffait joins Team Wonkhe

I’m really pleased to say that from today, Louis Coiffait is joining Team Wonkhe as Associate Editor. Louis has supported Wonkhe from the early days, inviting both me and David Kernohan (then at Jisc) to contribute to the 2012 edition of the Pearson Blue Skies project on the future of HE, and more recently involving … Continued
This article is more than 7 years old

Mark is founder and Editor in Chief of Wonkhe

I’m really pleased to say that from today, Louis Coiffait is joining Team Wonkhe as Associate Editor.

Louis has supported Wonkhe from the early days, inviting both me and David Kernohan (then at Jisc) to contribute to the 2012 edition of the Pearson Blue Skies project on the future of HE, and more recently involving Wonkhe in Reform’s research on access.

He has a wealth of experience and skills to add to the team, as well as an impressive network and profile from over a decade in education policy.

Many in the sector will know him already.

Our other Associate Editor David Kernohan said: “it’s great to have somebody with Louis’ breadth of interests, experience and contacts join the team – he also shares my passions for edtech and ale”.

And Executive Officer Catherine Boyd added, “it’s a real win for all of us getting Louis to join the team, he’s got boundless energy and knows Westminster inside out”.

Louis will add to the growing expertise and reputation of the Wonkhe team,  you can expect to see him in your briefings and blogs very soon. He’ll also bring extra firepower to all of our core services and will work across our numerous partnerships and project activity.

Welcome Louis, and happy wonking.

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