Podcast: Skills, PTES, transformation

This week on the podcast the government is to “get Britain working” - but what role will higher education play in the plans?

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

This week on the podcast the government is to “get Britain working” – but what role will higher education play in the plans?

Plus there are big divides between international and home students in this year’s PTES, and there’s proposals for a transformation fund to help universities change what they do and how they work.

With Shane Chowen, Editor at FE Week, Roscoe Hastings, Director of Teaching Excellence and Enhancement at University of Exeter, Debbie McVitty, Editor at Wonkhe, MIke Ratcliffe, Academic Registrar at City St George’s University of London and presented by Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor at Wonkhe.

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