This article is more than 1 year old

Podcast: Baltics and Finland special

This week on the podcast SU officers and staff from around the UK have been to the Baltics learn about student representation, political advocacy and belonging on a budget
This article is more than 1 year old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

This week on the podcast we’re in Helsinki on the Wonkhe SUs study tour where SU officers and staff from around the UK have been to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland to learn about student representation, political advocacy and belonging on a budget.

Jim and guests from the bus trip discuss students and sleep, the HE policy year ahead, and what the sector might learn from the frozen north – while Livia catches up with some student leaders from across the countries.

With Lily Byrne, President at Sheffield SU, Hannah Clarke, VP Activities at Lincoln SU, Gary Hughes, CEO at Durham SU, Livia Scott, Community and Policy Officer at Wonkhe and presented by Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor at Wonkhe.

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