This article is more than 8 years old

Times: Lord Stern of Brentford to lead REF review

Article (paywalled): “Lord Stern of Brentford, a crossbench peer, is to lead a review of the way £1.6 billion is allocated to university research departments each year according to quality assessments by expert panels. Jo Johnson, the universities minister, has asked him to look at how greater weight can be given to evaluating the impact … Continued
This article is more than 8 years old

Article (paywalled): “Lord Stern of Brentford, a crossbench peer, is to lead a review of the way £1.6 billion is allocated to university research departments each year according to quality assessments by expert panels.

Jo Johnson, the universities minister, has asked him to look at how greater weight can be given to evaluating the impact of research rather than its academic quality alone.”